Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Still Playing Catch Up
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Since I can't show the craftroom yet, I've loaded some pix of other things that I've been doing.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The first home project is to re-do and organize my craftroom. I have been boxing things up and taking them to the study so I can bring in the cabinet that I bought to put in the craftroom. I decided to wait until I get it inside before I put the top on it to make it lighter. Last night my daughter and her friend helped me to get it inside. I was a little worried because there were several corners to turn to get it to the back of the house. Now that it is in, I'm going to put the plywood on top and then tile it. Yep, I said tile it. No, I've never done that before. But I have several tutorials on it and I feel confident that I can do it (which is probably my FIRST mistake!). I'm going to build a shelf inside it and then I need to build 2 drawers. I have a neat idea for drawer pulls that I'll share later.
After I get my craftroom finished, I plan to put bookshelves in my study. I had originally built some bookshelves in a former house, but this time I'm taking the easy and
When those 2 rooms are finished, then I'm going to do some much needed sewing that I have put off because, once again, I've been working on projects for the booth. I want to make some little curtains for my kitchen and a valance for my bedroom.
You know, I have tried and tried, but for the life of me, I can't remember what I did before I started junkin and selling. Really! I must have done SOMETHING with my time, but I can't remember what it was!! It looks as though I just don't care about my house at all! This couldn't be further from the truth. I have had the nesting instinct from a very young age. I love my home and decorating it. I just haven't done anything in a long time.
So anyway, here are some pix of the latest projects that I finished and put in the booth.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I fell into a deep funk back in the Spring. Not sure what happened, but I sort of lost interest in everything. Nothing seemed to sell at the booth, so I stopped working on projects. Well, July was a good month and I'm back to working on projects again. Sweet, sweet Jamie Williams, who is an artist and professional photogapher, did some rearranging and merchandising in the booth and after that, stuff was just FLYING out the door!! My main focus for the next month or so is to get my craftroom in order. My daughter's friend is going to help me do that. I bought a kitchen base cabinet from the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. I'm going to put that in to have, not only storage, but a good work surface. It came without doors, so I'm going to just put "curtains" in place of the doors. It has one working drawer and 2 panels like you see in front of a sink. I'm going to make drawers and then attach the panel. I went to a couple of cabinet makers to see how much it would cost to have one more panel made. The first place I went wanted $65 and the next place wanted $50. I can't make one, because it would require a router, which I don't have. After I get the craftroom done, then I want to tackle my study. I wanted to build bookshelves in there, but I've decided to just buy ready made bookcases. I will paint them, attach them to the wall and save some money (as well as blood, sweat and tears). It's difficult to find ready made that are tall enough (7 feet), but I did find 2 last week. I'll just keep shopping Craigslist, yard sales and estate sales until I find what I need. Also, I'm trying to not get anything new to work on. Right now, I have 8 things to work on and I intend to finish those before I drag anything else in. I also have SEVERAL old windows that I have a project planned for. It has been SO difficult to not go to estate sales, yard sales and thriftstores!! I mean REALLY difficult!! Oh well, below are the chairs that I got MONTHS ago. I finally finished them. One of them sold in 3 days!! I also finished some tables, 2 of which sold in about the same time! OK, that's all for now. I've got to work on projects for the Anniversary sale at the booth. I have a bench, blanket chest, & TV stand. I have finished a footstool and another vanity chair. | draft |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
First I'm going to show the BEFORE pictures
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Everything Old Is New Again
The thing about this is that it's over 35 years old. The frame has been painted about 3 times. I think it started out as an avocado green. I didn't know anything about glue guns back then, so I used florist's wire to hold them on. The background is burlap. I need to straighten them up and repaint the frame.
So, here it is. If you've made one, hang on to it. It will always be in style.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Since I don't have any finished projects to show, I'll post some pix of my house. Most of them are a couple of years old, but it hasn't changed too much.
Monday, February 28, 2011
So Tired and Not Much to Show For It
I did get 2 little wooden necklace holders primed, painted and distressed. I've had both of these for a while. I got each one at a thrift store. I have had a mirror in my booth for 6 months that just wasn't selling. The frame looks like bamboo, but it's actually some sort of plastic. I don't know WHY it is so heavy if the frame is plastic!! Anyway, I brought it home, got some plastic paint and sprayed it black. If it doesn't sell in a month or 2, I'll bring it back home and make it into a message board.
I just don't have room for it anymore, so I took it to the booth yesterday.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
So Much to Learn!!
So, I went to an estate sale on Sunday. I waited until then, because most estate sales around here, put everything at half price on Sunday. Well, I'm not sure how much this was an estate sale and how much it was "just trying to get rid of junk" sale. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE JUNK!!! But they were PROUD of their junk!! Anyway, I just got a few things that caught my eye (and were cheap).
Friday, February 11, 2011
Here We Go!!
This is the first post of my new blog. I've had the blog set up for several months, but just couldn't seem to get it quite the way I wanted it. I guess it will be an on going process for a while.

This was a little bench that my daughter found in a dumpster (I've taught her well).

This is how it looked after paint and recovering the seat
This mirror just refused to sell.

So I decided to turn it into a message board. It sold in less than a week.

And here it is in the "after" picture. It lookes like it has 14 drawers, but there are only 5.
This is my lastest project. I bought this at a yardsale.
And this is the "after." I used a silver paint pen to outline the little flower on the drawer. The knob is just an old one I had in my craftroom and spray painted silver.
This is a door from an old armoir that was not salvageable. Makes a great message board, though.
That's all for now. This weekend will be busy. I have an entire bedroom suite that I am working on!