Friday, August 31, 2012


I love French Country style, but it's a rather fancy for my plain little cottage.  One thing I've noticed is that most French Country kitchens have one or more roosters.  I had been looking for just the right size, but I didn't want to pay much for it.  A few weeks ago, I found one (or is it a hen?) at a thrift store.  It was a planter with silk flowers in it and it was U-G-L-Y!!!!

This is how it looked when I got it.
This is how it looked after I removed the nasty flowers. 
Whatever was holding them in was like plaster of paris. 
 I had to use a hammer and chisel to remove it.
Here it is after cleaning it out.
Because it was made of resin, I primed it, then painted it with a white gloss.
The finished product.
I'm not sure what to feature next.  Maybe I'll be finished with the cushions for the kitchen chairs by next week.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Still don't have the floor, because I still don't have a job.  Oh well.  Here are a few more pix of some of the changes.

This is the big wall where the eating area is.  With the exception of the middle picture, these were postcards that I bought years ago in New Orleans.  I had them framed in a natural wood frame, because, at the time, I didn't really know what I wanted.

I decided to paint all of the frames white, including the black one that was in the middle.

And this is how they look against the new wall color.  I also added a shelf.  Sorry the light is in the way.  It will be changed out.

Below are close ups of the pix from N.O.L.A.

I know.  Lousy pictures.  But you get the idea.  Next time, I'll show off my rooster.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012


This is a long post, but since I've not posted on here for 7 months, I guess I need it to be long to get it all in.

Let's see, in April or the first of May, I started having mice.  Now since I suffer from Musophobia, this was a big deal.  I called someone out to handle it.  I paid $180 to get a guy to come and tell me that yes, I had mice.  He wanted another $250 to take care of the problem.  I told him that I didn't have $250, so he put out some traps for me and wished me luck.  He also told me that I needed to remove the dishwasher, which hasn't worked in a couple of years.  It seems that the critters were stock piling dog food behind it. 

I paid a handyman to come and take out the dishwasher.  He really didn't know what he was doing, so the hose to the dishwasher started leaking, although I didn't know it for a while.  I called in a plumber, who called in one of those companies that come in after a flood to dry stuff out. They pulled up the whole kitchen floor and dried it out.  When the insurance adjuster came, he informed me that this company were crooks.  He gave me a check to pay the company for drying out the floor and the rest went into savings to pay for a new floor.

I was laid off from my job, so I'm terrified to have the floor done, in case I need that money to live on.  Because the floor was sticky, I decided to put down cardboard to walk on until I can get the new floor. 

For my birthday, which was yesterday, my daughter painted the walls for me.  The kitchen is really coming together.  Since it isn't finished, I'll just show some of the highlights.

So the first thing is Daisy's new dog food container.  The previous one was a short, plastic garbage can with a lid.  Apparently, the rodents were trying to chew through it, so I had to find something else to put it in.  I went to a thrift store and got a popcorn can.  Then I primed it and painted it.  After that, I went to The Graphics Fairy.   I spend WAY to much time on that site.   I found this beautiful French ad and decoupaged it on.  By the way, I SUCK at decoupage!!!  This turned out pretty well.

These were the hideous curtains that were in the kitchen, when I moved in.  Now, I've lived here for 5 years and I JUST took them down about 3 weeks ago.

Here are the ones I made to replace them.  They were actually longer cafe curtains that I shortened. 

Well, that's all for today.  More kitchen pix later in the week..